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Highway Bureau, MOTC
The Highway Bureau is committed to provincial highway engineering, highway transportation management and highway supervision, simplifying administration and facilitating the people. The business scope is divided into three categories: road engineering, road transportation and road supervision, providing convenient and safe services for the public.
About Us

Thank you for visiting the “Kaohsiung Motor Vehicles Office’ World Wide Web”. We will fully respect and protect your personal privacy. In order to help you understand how we protect your rights when you use our services, please read the following information carefully.

Applicable scope of the policy

The privacy below is applicable to the personal data collection, utilization and protection related to the online activities you carry out on “Kaohsiung Motor Vehicles Office’ World Wide Web”, but it is not applicable to the websites of other government departments linked with our website. Each of the website has its own exclusive privacy policy, and “Kaohsiung Motor Vehicles Office’ World Wide Web” will not take any joint responsibility. When you connect to these websites, the protection of your personal data shall follow the privacy policy these websites regulate by.

Collection of personal data

  1. We will not collect any personal identity data when you only browsing or downloading files on the “Kaohsiung Motor Vehicles Office’ World Wide Web”.
  2. We will request the personal data like name, contact number and email for replying your feedback when you use the services on our website.
  3. This website records visit-specific information such as visitor’s IP address, duration of visit, and pages viewed. This data is collected for internal use by website management to analyze site traffic and browsing behavior in order to improve this website's quality of service. Such analysis is performed in aggregate only and never applied to individual visitors.
  4. “Kaohsiung Motor Vehicles Office’ World Wide Web” is obliged to protect each applicant’s privacy. Without your agreement, we will not modify or delete any of your personal data and files. It will only be done with your agreement in advance or if it meets the following situations:
    • When it violates the regulations defined by our website, such as the opinion on public affairs appeared to be abuse or personal attack.
    • In order to protect or defend relevant personal rights or ownership.
    • In order to protect the rights of the departments on our website.
  5. “Kaohsiung Motor Vehicles Office’ World Wide Web” will never provide, sell, exchange, or lease out any of your personal data to other groups, individuals, or private enterprises unless any of the following situations involved:
    • Cooperating with the legal investigation done by judicial authorities.
    • Cooperating with the investigation or utilization from relevant competent authorities according to the job duty.
    • Believe the disclosure is compulsory for law based on good intention or to be used for management in order to maintain and improve website services.

Notes of citing the data provided on our website

The copyrights on all of the data (including image files and text files) on our website belong to Kaohsiung Motor Vehicles Office (except the external websites that our website links to). Please obtain the agreement from Kaohsiung Motor Vehicles Office in advance if you would like to cite any data on our website or the websites listed on our website.