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Highway Bureau, MOTC
The Highway Bureau is committed to provincial highway engineering, highway transportation management and highway supervision, simplifying administration and facilitating the people. The business scope is divided into three categories: road engineering, road transportation and road supervision, providing convenient and safe services for the public.
News & Announcements

When renting a car for your travels, please be mindful that choosing a legally licensed rental car is the safest choice!

  • Source:Kaohsiung Motor Vehicles Office-Penghu Station-Third Subsection
  • Contact Person:
  • Contact Information:06-9211167
  • OffDate:2023-11-30 15:39
Date2023-09-27 15:39
OrganizationKaohsiung Motor Vehicles Office-Penghu Station-Third Subsection

Penghu is a top summer travel destination, and most visitors opt for renting vehicles to get around. If you don't make reservations well in advance for car or scooter rentals, you won't be able to secure one, even if you have the money for it. Unscrupulous operators have recognized this demand and are using their personal vehicles for rental businesses. Not only are the conditions of these vehicles uncertain, but also lack proper insurance coverage, leading to ongoing disputes in case of accidents.

When renting a vehicle, it is crucial to sign a rental contract and ensure that the vehicle license is marked as "rental" for passenger cars or "rental" for small commercial vehicles, rather than "private use." You can also identify legitimate rental vehicles by their license plates. Legal rental cars typically have new-style license plates that begin with 'R,' such as RAG-****. Older-style plates may have two matching letters or numbers within the license number, like ****-MM or ****-99. If the driver's license designates the vehicle as private use or the license plate doesn't follow the mentioned rules, do not rent it to protect your own rights.

Wang, the chief of the Penghu Motor Vehicle Supervision Station, has mentioned that they have recently received statement from tourists who rented illegal private vehicles while visiting Penghu. These tourists have expressed that not only were the prices not cheaper, but the vehicles were also old and in poor condition, some nearly 20 years old. Apart from having ineffective air conditioning, these vehicles frequently stalled while driving, impacting the enjoyment of their trips and causing anxiety. Upon receiving these reports, we immediately initiated an investigation. After verifying the facts, it was confirmed that these operators were indeed renting out their private vehicles. According to Article 77 of the Road Traffic Act, they will face fines ranging from NT$100,000 to NT$25 million, and their vehicle licenses and plates will be suspended for 4 months to 1 year.

Chief Wang mentioned that the station will continue to strengthen its inspections and crack down on operators conducting illegal businesses, thereby safeguarding the rights of legitimate operators and ensuring the safety of the public. Together, we aim to create a higher-quality rental and travel environment in Penghu.